Joint Steering Committee for Development of RDA
Historic Documents

Photo of JSC Sept. 2002

L-R: Margaret Stewart; Barbara Tillett; Nathalie Schulz; Ann Huthwaite; Sue Brown; Sally Strutt; Matthew Beacom.

Outcomes of the Meeting of the Joint Steering Committee Held in York, England, 9-11 September 2002

This is a summary of the JSC meeting in York. A complete list of topics discussed is contained in the agenda.

JSC Format Variation Working Group

The Chair of the Format Variation Working Group, Jennifer Bowen, met with Matthew Beacom and British members of the Group in London on September 6, 2002. Matthew Beacom provided the JSC with a verbal report on the meeting. JSC also discussed the third interim report of the Group. During the discussion on GMDs an additional charge was developed for the Format Variation Working Group.

Incorporating FRBR Terminology in AACR

JSC reviewed the second report from Pat Riva on incorporating terminology from the IFLA Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records in AACR. Responses from CCC, ACOC, and ALA were discussed in detail, and provisional decisions made. Pat Riva will be asked to prepare a third version of the report which will be commented on by all constituencies in time for discussion at the April 2003 meeting.

Chapter 21 and “Rule of three”

JSC discussed the first draft of terms of reference for revising chapter 21 prepared by the ALA representative, Matthew Beacom. JSC asked constituencies to respond by November 1, 2002 so that decision on the best way to proceed can be made by the end of January 2003.

To assist in making a decision on the “rule of three” issue, JSC asked ACOC to prepare a document summarising the discussion to date.

Revised Introduction

JSC members provided verbal feedback from their constituencies on the draft of the revised general introduction and introductions to parts I and II prepared by CILIP/BL. CILIP/BL was asked to prepare a new draft as soon as possible. If there is agreement on the content of the draft, the revised introductions will appear in the 2003 rule revision package.

GMDs and Class of Materials

JSC discussed an internal discussion paper by Ann Huthwaite (the ACOC representative) on the class of materials concept and GMDs, including the suitability of chapter 9 for “document-like” electronic resources. JSC decided to charge ALA and BL to form a joint task force to undertake a reconceptualisation of chapter 9.

JSC discussed alternative ways of representing the GMD in bibliographic records, and the possible use of expression-level indicators for those GMDs representing the mode of expression (such as an element in an expression-level citation). JSC decided to ask the Format Variation Working Group to develop the idea when it considers the structure of such a citation.

Other Agenda Items

Among the other items discussed were:

  • The Appendix of Major Changes. This will no longer be considered for inclusion in AACR by the JSC. JSC was informed that an ALA task force is drafting a stand-alone document containing guidelines on when to create a new record.
  • LC conceptual proposals on authority records and multipart items in AACR. If constituencies agree, LC will prepare detailed rule revision proposals.
  • ALA proposal to remove area 3 from chapter 9 (and other associated changes). Constituencies were asked to respond, and if there is agreement revised rules will be included in the 2003 rule revision package.
  • CCC proposals to revise 6.5B1 and 7.5B1 to parallel the use of conventional terminology at 9.5B1. JSC asked constituencies to comment on an alternative approach suggested by ACOC. If there is agreement, CCC will prepare revised proposals.
  • CCC proposal to permit qualification of headings used for Commonwealth heads of government. Revised rules 24.20C1 and 24.20C2 will be included in the 2003 rule revision package.
  • ALA proposal to add additional examples of remote electronic resources to rule 12.7B18. The revised rule will be included in the 2003 rule revision package.
  • ALA proposal to include Uniform Resource Names (URNs) in rule 9.8B1 and the Glossary. JSC decided to defer a decision until after consultation with the ISBD Review Group.
  • ALA proposal to revise 21.30J (added entry under title). JSC decided to change the rule to include situations in which to make a title added entry (if considered necessary for access). JSC asked ALA to prepare follow-up proposals for related rules so that all rules can be included in the 2003 rule revision package.
  • ALA proposal that “earth” be capitalised when it is used to refer to the planet. The revised rules will be included in the 2003 rule revision package.
  • ALA proposal that metric units of measurement not be considered abbreviations. JSC agreed with the proposal, but decided that rules would not be revised until the next edition of AACR.
  • BL proposal to revise Appendix A to cover capitalisation in titles of single letters used to represent words e.g.“e-Commerce.” JSC asked BL to expand the proposal to cover corporate and personal names, for further discussion at the April 2003 meeting.
  • BL proposal to allow recording of the type of binding when there is only one standard number. Revised rule 1.8E1 will be included in the 2003 rule revision package. BL also proposed a change to 1.8E2, but JSC decided to defer a decision until after consultation with the ISBD Review Group.
  • LC proposal to expand the conditions in 21.2A2 (minor changes in a title proper) to include the rearrangement of words that indicate the type of resource e.g. “magazine,” “journal,” or “newsletter.” The revised rule will be included in the 2003 rule revision package.
  • ACOC proposal to revise rule 22.27 relating to Malay names. Constituencies were asked to respond as soon as possible.
  • The JSC strategic plan was revised so that it could be discussed at the Committee of Principals meeting held from September 13-14, 2002.

JSC Program of Work

  • Rule 0.24 and Format Variation Working Group: additional term of reference for FVWG by Oct. 14, 2002; fourth interim report by Feb. 10, 2003; constituents’ responses by Mar. 24 2003; discussion at Apr. 2003 JSC meeting.
  • Rule of three/Chapter 21: constituents’ responses to draft terms of reference for revising ch. 21 by Nov. 1, 2002; document to summarise “rule of three” progress by Nov. 1, 2002; constituents’ responses by Dec. 16, 2002.
  • Authority records in AACR: constituents’ responses to proposal by Nov. 1, 2002; if agreement, rule revision proposals.
  • Multipart items: constituents’ responses to proposals by Nov. 1, 2002; if agreement, rule revision proposals by Feb. 10, 2003; constituents’ constituents’ responses by Mar. 24 2003; discussion at Apr. 2003 JSC meeting.
  • Specific characteristics of electronic resources: constituents’ responses by Nov. 1, 2002; if agreement, some rules in 2003 rule revision package.
  • Introduction to AACR2: revised draft to JSC by Oct. 14, 2002; constituents’ responses by Dec. 16, 2002; if agreement, in 2003 rule revision package.
  • General Material Designations (GMDs): additional term of reference for FVWG by Oct. 14, 2002; fourth interim report by Feb. 10, 2003; constituents’ responses by Mar. 24, 2003; discussion at Apr. 2003 JSC meeting.
  • Consistency in part I of AACR2: first set of rule revision proposals by Feb. 10, 2003; constituents’ responses by Mar. 24, 2003; discussion at Apr. 2003 JSC meeting.
  • Rule 24.20C1 (Dates or names to heads of governments): in 2003 rule revision package.
  • FRBR terminology: third report by Feb. 10, 2003; constituents’ responses by Mar. 24, 2003; discussion at Apr. 2003 JSC meeting.
  • Rule 12.7B18 (Summary): in 2003 rule revision package.
  • Uniform Resource Names: discussion at Apr. 2003 meeting.
  • Rule 21.30J: additional rule revision proposals by Nov. 1, 2002; constituents’ responses by Dec. 16, 2003; if agreement, in 2003 rule revision package.
  • Conventional terminology in area 5 for chapters 6 & 7: revised proposals by Feb. 10, 2003; constituents’ responses by Mar. 24, 2003; discussion at Apr. 2003 JSC meeting.
  • Capitalisation of Earth: in 2003 rule revision package.
  • Punctuation in dimmensions: revised proposal by Feb. 10, 2003; constituents’ responses by Mar. 24, 2003; discussion at Apr. 2003 JSC meeting.
  • Abbreviation of metric symbols: rules will be revised at the time of the next edition of AACR.
  • Capitalisation of single letters: revised proposal by Feb. 10, 2003; constituents’ responses by Mar. 24, 2003; discussion at Apr. 2003 JSC meeting.
  • Qualification of standard numbers: rule 1.8E1 - in 2003 rule revision package; rule 1.8E2 - discussion at Apr. 2003 JSC meeting.
  • Revision of 21.2A2: in 2003 rule revision package.
  • Malay and Indonesian names: constituents’ responses by Mar. 24, 2003; discussion at Apr. 2003 JSC meeting.
  • Reconceptualisation of chapter 9: task force formed by Nov. 1, 2002.

Next Meeting

JSC will meet from April 23-25, 2003 in Washington, D.C.

Nathalie Schulz
Secretary, JSC

31 October 2002
Last updated: 1 July 2009
Webmaster: JSC Secretary